58 Sexy and Spooky Halloween Makeup Ideas 2019

Great Halloween costume will be more complete with makeup, because without great make up, your Halloween look won’t be so impressive. You might get a lot of Halloween makeup tutorials for Halloween because stunning makeup ideas are popping up everywhere, and believe me you will have trouble choosing which one is the best for you.

Don’t worry about it, because I’ve rounded up the most popular and killer looks for Halloween makeup for you. These Halloween makeup tutorials may be seen as challenging. To help you out to keep your Halloween night as scary as possible and sexier, here is a huge list of most popular tutorial inspiring Halloween makeup ideas this year!


Watch these Halloween make up video tutorial!








My Halloween makeup list is beginning with the witch makeup which is the most popular looks on Halloween. There are many ways to add your witch look some appeal such as using bold lipsticks, colorful wigs, witch’s hat  and draw celestial shapes to your face.

It’s a great idea to turn your brows into the same color as your wig, and also choose some contrast shades to catch a striking look on that spooky night. These are the witch Halloween makeup makeup ideas that very popular on Instagram and Pinterest.

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Who’s scared of seeing a clown? You? Some of my friend were afraid, freak out because of scary Pennywise clown from “IT” movie. Cute but spooky side of a clown can be your makeup look on the coming Halloweekend. Check out these clown Halloween makeup looks that are both smooth and stunning.

This glam clown Halloween makeup tutorial is a perfect example to give you the exact inspiration that you’re looking for.

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It’s one of the most popular Halloween costume and makeup choices all the time. It may sound cheesy but whether your devil makeup is scary or glam depends entirely on your choice. Also, it’s a perfect last-minute Halloween makeup and costume idea for those who are late to make up their minds. So, if you’re ready to mix the sexy and spooky together to reveal the little devil inside you, these devil makeup ideas that we chose exactly give you the inspiration you’re looking for this Halloween.

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Who said alien thing is only for boys? If you want to be different from everyone else on this Halloween, you can dress up like alien. Pretend like you are out of this world, you are from alien tribe in your own way. The alien makeup pulls in all the consideration with its exotic vibe. You are going to conquer the Earth on this Halloween!

It’s both creepy and provocative alien makeup look which isn’t excessively challenging. Painting your whole face will support your alien look and have more effect. Enhance your makeup with little stars or planets to turn everyone’s eyes on you.

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Being princess is not always good and pretty. Every princess has their dark side but not everyone know, hasn’t they? How about stop being a good princess because it’s good to be bad sometimes. You can have the evil princess makeup by adding spooky details on a basic glam princess makeup such as smoky dark contour, cracked skin, or blood tears or glittery tears.

It’s the perfect combination of the evil and the glamorous words on a queen! Yes, you should try evil princess Halloween makeup in October. Here are the photos of sexiest spooky evil princess looks for the Halloween night!

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Are you one of those who can’t wait to attend the Halloween party by dressing up as a vampire because you really love this character so much? There are many vampire makeup ideas for those who are looking for Halloween makeup inspiration. A vampire does n’t need any costume at all, you just play with makeup.

Here is few things you will need in vampire Halloween makeup: fake blood, fake vampire fangs, pale foundation or white face paint. You can also use red contact lenses, visible veins, black eyeliner and black mascara.

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It won’t be a creepy Halloween night if there are no skeletons around! Skull make up look is one of the most favored looks on Halloween since it doesn’t have to overthink your costume. Attending a Halloween party without someone pretending as skull is a big question mark. Therefore many people think that  is a must-have for Halloween.

There are a lot of imaginative skull makeup thoughts that you can choose for example half skull or glam skull makeup  and neon skull. This skull makeup will make you stunned that you don’t have to just stick to the white color. These skull makeup ideas will intrigue you with their uniqueness and rush.

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