I often don’t feel like an adult. Sometimes I definitely don’t feel like an adult. ~ catholicdrinkie.com
Who let me adult? I can’t adult.
For some, adulthood isn’t as inevitable as it once was. Clearly, the fear of growing up had resonated. This idea of “adulting” had started as a meme and become an inside joke among people leaving their 20s.
I’ll admit. Even at 32, being mom and have kids, I often don’t feel like an adult. It’s scary sometimes how much responsibility people trust you with when you’re a “new adult.
In the past I thought being an adult was fun, being able to go party until the morning, consuming beer, no need to study, watch TV all day, etc. In fact, after becoming an adult there are obligations that must be made such as working, paying rent, billing, taking care of children, cleaning the house, cooking, etc. I wish I could do anything without having to think about the consequences, yes like children.
But then I realized, I should be grateful to have grown up. Because there are people who physically grow up but in their minds are still like children, they have their own world. Yes, like children with special needs.
This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, is it? Life is supposed to be fun. I just need to be grateful for small things every day. It’s ok not being an adult for a day. You need take a break and plan your next vacation.
The meme “Who let me adult? I can’t adult!” is inspired me to create a t-shirt that describes my feeling right now. If you want to be on one day where you don’t want to be an adult, then you are suitable to wear a T-Shirt Who Let Me Adult from Clotee.
Also check out the I Can’t Adult theme shirt below. These t-shirts could be the best graduation gifts or any birthday present.